Driving Directions
Take 401 west from 1000 island bridge to exit #611 North. Take road 38 north to Fish Creek Road, turn right and follow signs to Sunset Country. approx 3 miles.
From Ottawa take the #417 to #7 then turn left (south to Kingston) on Road #38 to Fish Creek Road.
Approx driving time from Ottawa is 1.5 hrs and from 1000 Island Bridge 1 hour. From Toronto 3 hrs.
10 minutes to local Kingdom Hall and other places of worship.
Grocery store, bank (atm) post office, beer and liquor store, shoe outlet, fishing licenses, hardware store, 2 restaurants, beauty salon and barbershop, pet store, Health Clinic, Marina, in nearby Sharbot lake, approx 20 minute drive.
Horseback riding, golfing and miniput within 20 kms.